

2015-09-03 22:23:34 admin 408

门兴格拉德巴赫5月6日2015年传统的德国公司欧汀纳不断制定新的标准,在行业与国家的最先进的系统和高效的技术 :在门兴格拉德巴赫的网站现在已经带来了BMF +流膜过滤系统的温柔澄清啤酒在船上 。这代表了最新一代的这种技术 ,被安装在全球范围内首次对莱茵河下游。“我们非常荣幸能够在这里推出门​​兴格拉德巴赫新一代滨特尔膜过滤系统,高效,创新发展,像这些帮助我们生产出高品质且价格合理的产品,”国家博士卡尔Liebl,欧汀纳酿造首席执行官有限公司和门兴格拉德巴赫网站的常务董事。

该酿酒厂已经投入运行的第一代滨特尔膜过滤系统在其Oettingen网站在巴伐利亚州在2002年自那时以来 ,它已经开发的技术与Pentair公司密切合作。

新一代系统现已陆续与BMF +流版本在门兴格拉德巴赫。“欧汀纳走出了一条具有的系统Oettingen和新的系统在这里门兴格拉德巴赫的第一个版本的安装 ,并已经推出了这项创新技术的第一个酿酒厂。新系统的调试是一个重要的里程碑的网站和在欧汀纳集团作为一个整体 ,“Liebl博士解释说。

 ,新工艺脱颖而出就考虑到它的灵活性,自动化和易用性的,允许啤酒温柔过滤和澄清,能耗 ​​低 。该系统过滤大约70,000升每小时在沿两个过滤线,这是交替地操作的连续方法。总的来说共有60新开发的模块,用木纤维膜已经安装了1,620平方米 。

节约使用资源和环保的制造工艺是一些欧汀纳啤酒集团的核心目标,已经证明了一些在过去采取的措施 :一废水处理系统在2013年的经验开始运作在门兴格拉德巴赫证实 ,啤酒厂已经能够节省天然气期间废水预处理一个显著体积通过产生沼气。得到的沼气作为可再生能源的生产厂在锅炉房加热热水。

的莱茵河下游的分厂成立于2003年,是2亿升的年产量在德国啤酒集团的第二大生产基地。门兴格拉德巴赫是家庭对我们的工程技术中心,采购部 ,中央,国家和国际质量保证 ,控制和后勤,以及技术支持许可国外 。190名员工协调和指导各工序对整个啤酒集团从这里开始。网站经理和董事总经理是博士卡尔Liebl。


生产大约9.4亿升每年的欧汀纳集团是德国最大的酿酒企业之一 。大约2十亿瓶和易拉罐啤酒 ,啤酒混合饮料和软饮料每年都瓶。这个家族拥有的公司 ,该公司一直以Oettingen的巴伐利亚小镇 ,因为1731,目前拥有1100名员工。除了 ​​终端到终端的质量控制,国家的最先进的在四个不同的地点,两家物流中心,全公司环保意识的生产设施,公司还致力于提供有吸引力的价格-成为可能 ,有效的直接销售。OETTINGER产品在全球范围内销售。啤酒的整个范围也进行了“非转基因”印章自2013年3月。

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Mönchengladbach, 6 May 2015. The traditional German company Oettinger is constantly setting new standards in the industry with state-of-the-art systems and efficient technology: the Mönchengladbach site has now brought the BMF +FLUX membrane filtration system for the gentle clarification of beer on board. This represents the latest generation of this technology, being installed for the first time worldwide on the Lower Rhine. "We are extremely proud to be able to launch the new generation of Pentair membrane filtration systems here in Mönchengladbach. Efficient and innovative developments like these help us to produce high-quality and affordable products," states Dr. Karl Liebl, CEO of Oettinger Brauerei GmbH and Managing Director of the Mönchengladbach site.

The brewery has already put into operation the first generation of Pentair membrane filtration systems at its Oettingen site in Bavaria in 2002. Since then, it has developed the technology in close cooperation with Pentair.

The new generation of the system is now coming on stream with the BMF +FLUX version in Mönchengladbach. "Oettinger blazed a trail with the installation of the first version of the system in Oettingen and new system here in Mönchengladbach and is the first brewery to have introduced this innovative technology. The commissioning of the new system is a key milestone for the site and for the Oettinger Group as a whole," explains Dr. Liebl.

Even more effective and energy-saving new technology
The new technology stands out on account of its flexibility, automation and ease of use, permitting gentle filtration and clarification of beer with low energy consumption. The system filters around 70,000 litres per hour in a continuous process along two filter lines, which are operated alternately. Overall a total of 60 newly developed modules with wood fibre membranes have been installed over an area of 1,620 square metres.

The economical use of resources and environmentally-friendly manufacturing processes are some of the Oettinger brewery group's core objectives, as has been demonstrated by a number of measures in the past: a waste water treatment system became operational in Mönchengladbach in 2013. Experience confirms that the brewery has been able to save a significant volume of natural gas during waste water pre-treatment by producing biogas. The biogas obtained is used as renewable energy in the production plants to heat hot water in the boiler house.

About Oettinger in Mönchengladbach
The subsidiary plant on the Lower Rhine was set up in 2003 and is the brewery group's second largest production site in Germany with an annual output of 200 million litres. Mönchengladbach is home to our Engineering and Technology Centre, Purchasing, Central, National and International Quality Assurance, Control and Logistics, as well as Technical Support for Licensing Abroad. 190 employees coordinate and direct the various processes for the entire brewery group from here. The Site Manager and Managing Director is Dr. Karl Liebl.